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  • margarethealy07

Presentation Primary School Kilkenny

Fifth Class pupils in Presentation Primary School in Kilkenny City have been very busy over the last few months learning about and promoting biodiversity in their school environment.

During October and November they explored the themes of climate change and biodiversity and what it meant to them in their own school grounds. They worked in groups to come up with a plan of actions they could take this year to raise awareness of and increase the biodiversity in their school.

In December they learned all about the importance of the earthworm for other plants and animal life. They made wormeries to explore how earthworms rotate soil. They had great fun digging in the green area for worms! After a few day, they released the worms back to the green area.

In January they learned all about the importance of bees. They were delighted that their school has since taken part in SuperValu’s Save the Bees campaign. Once the pupils learned how important bees are, they decided that they wanted to focus on making the school garden a more friendly bio diverse place.

To teach the other children in the school about the importance of bees and worms, they made posters about the importance of these amazing creatures.

In February and March the pupils worked on the school garden beginning with a big tidy up of the area. Next they sowed bulbs and scattered seeds to attrach more pollinators to the garden They constructed and decorated bird houses and bug hotels which were hung in the school garden.

Fifth Class pupils are now looking forward to seeing the biodiversity increase even more in their school grounds.

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